about Hyakko

博多最後の絵馬師 吉村百耕

博多最後の絵馬師 吉村百耕
博多最後の絵馬師 吉村百耕
1878(明治11)〜 1958(昭和33)
Hyakko Yoshimura(1878~1958)
The Last EMA Painter in Hakata.
In Japan up to the mid-1960s, there used to be a custom that people in communities raised money to donate large ema for common prayer or wishing for a safe trip to Ise Jingu, or a safe return from war, good health, longevity, good luck and so on. And there were many professional ema painters in large towns in the Edo era. However, after the Pacific War (the Second World War), the number decreased drastically.
Hyakko Yoshimura was one of the few ema painters who lived in Hakata, Fukuoka City. His real name was Toyokichi and he was born on November 26th in 1878 and passed away on May 2nd in 1958 at the age of 79. His family’s profession was Hakata doll maker for generations.
He studied Japanese painting under Tekko Ueda, a famous local Nanga artist. He started painting ema professionally at the age of 17 and continued painting until the age of 78. For 61 years, he painted hundreds of ema with various subjects. According to the research done by the Fukuoka provincial government, approximately 180 of his works still exist in shrines throughout the province of Fukuoka. Therefore, he can be called “The last EMA painter in Hakata.” Unfortunately, he is now almost forgotten among the populace of Fukuoka.



The origin of Ema

In ancient times the Japanese regarded horses as the “vehicles of the gods,” so they offered living horses to the gods who they thought would listen to their prayers and fulfill their wishes, for example: to get rain or to stop it when it has been raining cats and dogs for a while, but as well for health, longevity, good fortune, and so on. But since horses were very valuable and expensive as it cost a lot of money to keep a horse, they used a substitute made of straw, clay or wood.
Later a wooden board with a painted horse turned up. That was the origin of ema. Further, the size of ema became larger and themes of ema developed into various ones like, historic battle scenes, popular samurai, rich harvest, kabuki plays, etc.

百耕の孫 吉村精高

百耕の孫 吉村精高
百耕の孫 吉村精高

Kiyotaka, Keith, Yoshimura

Born on May 7, 1952, in Hakata, Fukuoka City, Japan.
Educational background: graduated from Seinan Gakuin High School, dropped out of Meiji University
I belonged to a drama club in high school and university to be a film director. But I gave up my dream as I had little talent. After leaving my university, as I was fluent in English, I got a job as a foreign trade manager in an American company in my late twenties. While working for the company, I traveled to India, which drastically changed my philosophy. Then I started my own business importing clothes. Finally, in my late forties, I settled in Fukuoka where I have been teaching English for almost thirty years.
In 2015, I produced and directed “Déraciné,” a movie which was applied to Canne International Film Festival.