Works of Hyakko

Chuo-ku, Jonan-ku, Minami-ku

中央区・城南区・南区 / 030「高砂図」
105×109cm / 1939(昭和14)
105×109cm / 1939
on display:OK
Kego Jinja:Fukuoka City, Chuo-ku,Tenjin 2-2-20
Takasago is a popular theme which originates from a “Noh” play. It symbolizes longevity and long-lasting conjugal love. Old pine trees, a pair of cranes, an old tortoise, sailing boats, the sun are the symbols of longevity and prosperity. The table on the right-hand top corner there are play-on-words of a Hakata Niwaka play, and the one at the bottom shows the names of the givers who are over 60 years old: on the left the men, on the right the women.